Trinh @ Bath

Notes in getting start with Python

Python can be complicated to set up, particularly if using virtual environments.

Virtual environments and choosing a distribution

I used to setup Python via Miniconda in order to have virtual python environments (see this guide here. However, I don't like this approach because miniconda seems to be too aggressive in always preferring its own install. For example, the PDE Solver software Firedrake does not like Miniconda/Anaconda.

Instead, so far I really like the use of pyenv.

Setup seems quite simple. On Mac, use homebrew to install via

brew install pyenv

You then need to include some scripts in your startup shell.

Then install a distribution via

pyenv install 3.12 

will install the latest version of Python 3.12. Then you can select this distribution to use as your global one:

pyenv global 3.12