Trinh @ Bath


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aims [2024/01/08 06:51]
trinh [Semester 2]
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 ====== Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Seminars ====== ====== Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Seminars ======
-{{ ::aims:aims_photo.jpg?nolink&600 |}} +This page has been moved to
- +
-We hold weekly seminars and one-off events to stimulate research at the interface of mathematics, engineering, physics, biology and other disciplines. The AIMS seminars are hosted by the Department of Mathematics and encompasses many of the applied and interdisciplinary research groups at Bath. This includes the Centre for Nonlinear Mechanics, Centre for Mathematical Biology, Institute for Mathematical Innovation, and so forth. But we also host plenty of talks of interest to Analysts, Numerical Analysts, Engineers, Physicists, and so forth! +
- +
-**Time and location:** typically seminars run on Tuesdays at 13:15 in 4 West 1.7 (a room known as The Wolfson Room). +
- +
-===== 2023-24 schedule ===== +
- +
-The schedule below is updated as the term goes.  +
- +
-[[aims_2023|2023 Speaker page.]]  +
- +
-==== Semester 1 ==== +
- +
-^ Week ^Date ^Speaker ^Title | +
-| 1 | 3 Oct | No seminar! | | +
-| 2 | 10 Oct | Hilary Weller (Reading) | Implicit Time Stepping for Atmospheric Transport | +
-| 3 | 17 Oct | Alexander Wray (Strathclyde) | Proximal planar polygonal potential problems | +
-| 4 | 24 Oct | AIMS organisational meeting | | +
-| 5 | 31 Oct | Aleksandra Ardaševa (Copenhagen) | Interactive active matter | +
-| 6 | 7 Nov | Rob Lamb (Lancaster, JBA Trust) | Grappling with uncertainty monsters in hydrology: how can we cope? | +
-| 7 | 14 Nov | Matthew Juniper (Cambridge) | Adjoint-accelerated Bayesian Inference | +
-| 8 | 21 Nov | Jonathan Cox (Bath) | Scent capture in a hagfish | +
-| 9 | 28 Nov | Corwin Wright (Bath) | How well do global km-scale models simulate convective atmospheric waves? | +
-| 10 | 5 Dec | Jesse Taylor-West (Bristol) | Corner flows of viscoplastic fluids | +
-| 11 | 12 Dec | Chris Budd (Bath) | On the analysis of PINNS (TBD) | +
-| 12 | 9 Jan | Jonathan Cox (Bath) | Scent capture in a hagfish | +
- +
- +
-==== Semester 2 ==== +
- +
-^ Week ^Date ^Speaker ^Title +
-|1|16 Feb| Helen Byrne (Oxford) | TBD | +
-|2|13 Feb| | | +
-|3|20 Feb| | | +
-|4|27 Feb| | | +
-|5|5 Mar| Ed Blockley (Met Office) | Sea Ice Modelling | +
-|6|12 Mar| Eamonn Gaffney (Oxford) | TBD | +
-|7|19 Mar| Ryan Doran (Newcastle) | Quantum Fluids | +
-|8|26 Mar| Ellen Luckins (Warwick) | TBD | +
-|X|2 Apr| BAMC Practice talks | | +
-|X|9 Apr| BAMC Meeting | | +
-|9|16 Apr|  | |   +
-|10|23 Apr| Thuy Duong Dang (UCL) and Timothy Peters (Bath) | TBD | +
-|11|30 Apr| Lloyd Bridge (UWE) | Phase change in porous media – computational interface capturing and enthalpy methods | +
-|12|7 May| Eric Keaveny (Imperial) | Coupled motion of active filaments | +
- +
-=====  Joining AIMS =====  +
- +
- +
-Here are the steps to join the AIMS mailing list.  +
- +
-  * Send a message to from the address you want to subscribe to the list. +
-  * In the subject line of your message, type in:  +
-<code>subscribe aims_seminars YourFirstName YourLastName </code>     +
-  * Leave the message body blank. +
- +
-If you encounter an issue or would like help, please mail the main organiser at p.trinh[at] and I can assist! +
- +
-If you would like to remove yourself from the mailing list, see [[aims_unsubscribe|here]]. +
- +
-=====  Visitor and speaker details =====  +
- +
-[[visiting-bath-maths|Visitor info and claims info can be found here.]] +
- +
-On the day of arrival, generally please meet the organiser (P. Trinh in 4West 2.18) or alternatively see the reception on the main floor (Level 2) for guidance. +
- +
-=====  AIMS organisers and participants =====  +
- +
-//2023-24//: this is a rough list of staff at Bath who are interested or have participated in AIMS. This list will be continually updated.  +
- +
-  * Phil Trinh (**AIMS organiser**, applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, asymptotics) +
-  * Chris Budd (applied mathematics, industrial mathematics) +
-  * [[|Lisa Maria Kreusser]] (PDEs, data analysis, machine learning) +
-  * [[|Jennifer Tweedy]] (mathematical medicine, fluid mechanics, mathematical modelling)  +
-  * [[|Jonathan Dawes]] (dynamical systems, mathematical biology, fluid mechanics) +
-  * [[|Miles Wheeler]] (fluid mechanics, analysis) +
-  * [[|Ben Walker]] (fluid mechanics, microswimmers, biological growth) +
-  * [[|Josh Shelton]] (water waves, asymptotics) +