Trinh @ Bath


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-====== ARA Spring School ======+====== Exponential asymptotics for physical applications ======
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-This page will link some relevant information for the ARA Spring School session on **"Exponential asymptotics for physical applications"**+This page will link some relevant information for the ARA Spring School session. We will be hosting four talks.
-We will be hosting four talks on **Exponential asymptotics for physical applications**, which include+The most recent exercise document with tutorial questions can be found on [[|Overleaf]]. 
-  - 18 Mar 2021: Jon Chapman's Public Lecture 
-  - 24 Mar 2021: Lecture 1 on introductory techniques by Jon Chapman 
-  - 25 Mar 2022: Lecture 2 on "Exponential asymptotics and fluid mechanics" by Phil Trinh 
-  - 26 Mar 2021: Lecture 3 on "Exponential asymptotics and multiple scales" by John King 
-**Resources:**  +==== 18 Mar 2021Jon Chapman's Public Lecture ====
-   * After the talks, we will provide a link to the video and/or slides for the talks on this webpage.  +
-   * In addition, we hope to produce a 1-2 page summary document +
-   * In addition, we have a "main tutorial document" below, which includes several exercises that will be tackled during the week.  +
-   * Chris Lustri will give a short demo on the Friday AM tutorial (10AM-12PM GMT), and other grad students will present various things. +
-===== Main tutorial document =====+<html><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> 
-  - The most recent exercise document with tutorial questions can be found on [[|Overleaf]]+==== 24 Mar 2021: Lecture 1 on introductory techniques of exponential asymptotics ==== 
 +//Delivered by Jon Chapman// 
 +==== 25 Mar 2022Lecture 2 on "Exponential asymptotics and fluid mechanics"  ====  
 +//Delivered by Phil Trinh // 
 +==== 26 Mar 2021: Lecture 3 on "Exponential asymptotics and multiple scales"  ==== 
 +//Delivered by John King // 
 +==== 26 Mar 2021: Friday AM Tutorial  ==== 
 +We may take some time during the tutorial to show off some demos and inspire students to do some of the questions on the sheet.
 ===== Solutions and resources for questions ===== ===== Solutions and resources for questions =====
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  ==== Question 3 ====  ==== Question 3 ====
-//To be covered by Phil Trinh.//+  * [[ara-prob3|Stern model code]]
  ==== Question 4 ====  ==== Question 4 ====
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  ==== Question 5 ====  ==== Question 5 ====
-//To be covered by Phil Trinh/Edwin Watson-Miller.//+  * [[ara-prob5|Kuramoto-Sivasinsky code]]