====== Meeting emails ====== Hello! It is really helpful when doing research, to try and initiate the research meeting with a short progress update and set of questions. I find that this can help students better track where they are currently in their research, and also help to articulate questions or points of discussion. Before every meeting (it is OK if it is done only a few minutes ahead of the meeting), send me an email with the following. ==== Example email ==== **From: ** Student \\ **To: ** Supervisor \\ **Subject**: Update 23 January 2025 Dear Supervisor, \\ This week I've been doing: * Cleaning up my running report so that it now includes Section 5 (Methodology) and new additions to Section 6 (Results). * Working through the derivation of the set of governing equations. This is already included in the writeup, but there are some hand-written notes I have that haven't been transferred in yet. * Trying to figure out how to write the code to do the simulations. * Trying to work out the solution of the PDE we discussed last week, about the fluid model. Some questions and points of discussion: * Why is there a term $F$ in eqn (3.5) of Smith (2020) [attached]? * My code is taking a long time to run. Do you know how we might speed it up? I have put a copy of the script in the Google Drive in the folder dated today. * Here is a picture of the current simulation. I'm trying {{ :guides:email_figure_example.png | Example figure }} The red line is for the line of best fit with gradient -2. The blues are my current numerics. I'm not sure why there is a kink there. Do you think it has to do with numerical error? Signed, \\ Student