~~NOTOC~~ {{ :start:trinh_250.jpg?nolink|}} Hello! Welcome to my homepage. Please access links to the left by clicking the button with the four horizontal lines. Dr. Philippe H. Trinh \\ Reader in Applied Mathematics \\ University of Bath \\ Department of Mathematical Sciences \\ p.[my-last-name]@bath.ac.uk {{:trinhcv.pdf|+ Curriculum Vitae (2019, out of date!)}} \\ [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/phtrinh/|LinkedIn profile]] \\ [[https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/philippe-trinh|University of Bath profile]] \\ [[https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=y7K3OG4AAAAJ&hl=en|Google Scholar]] \\ [[https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=147620|Math Genealogy]] //To find your way around, click the navigation element on the left.// /*{{ :news:trinhgroupsummer2021a.jpg?500 |}}*/ /* ===== Student talks (December 2021) ===== For students and others who would like to learn a bit more about the research going on in our group, I have started collecting video presentations. A few are now linked on the [[research|Research]] page. ===== Group report (October 2021) ===== //As we enter the start of the 2021-22 academic term, it is time to bring our summer to a close, to celebrate the various comings and goings, and to look forwards to all sorts of new things...// {{ :news:trinhgroupsummer2021a.jpg?500 |}} > [[news_2021-10-04|Group report (October 2021)]] */ /* [[https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/philippe-trinh|University of Bath profile]] \\ [[:collaborators|Collaborators and students]] \\ {{:trinh_cv.pdf|+ Curriculum Vitae (2016)}} \\ {{:trinh_shortcv.pdf|+ Short Curriculum Vitae (2015)}} */ /* * If you're looking for current course scheduling, then the [[:teaching|teaching overview here]] might be useful. * If you're looking for course notes, then please go [[http://www.theshapeofmath.com/|here instead]]. * You might also be interested in learning a bit about [[:research|what I do]] and the [[:collaborators|wonderful people]] I get to work with. */ /* ==== Edit in progress ==== It's been a while since I edited this page...edits in progress (Mar 2019) \\ \\ {{ :start:beach.jpg?700 |}} */