~~NOTOC~~ {{ :start:trinh_250.jpg?nolink|}} Hello! Welcome to my homepage. Please access links to the left by clicking the button with the four horizontal lines. During the 2025-26 year, I am pleased to announce that I will be working with [[https://www.jbatrust.org/|JBA Trust]] as a Knowledge Exchange Catalyst fellow for the [[https://www.icms.org.uk/news/new-ke-catalysts-humanity-announced|ICMS Programme in Mathematics for Humanity]] on developing a better understanding of [[research_flooding|mathematical approaches in flood estimation]]. Dr. Philippe H. Trinh \\ Reader in Applied Mathematics \\ University of Bath \\ Department of Mathematical Sciences \\ p.[my-last-name]@bath.ac.uk \\ /*{{:trinhcv.pdf|+ Curriculum Vitae (2019, out of date!)}}*/ [[https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=y7K3OG4AAAAJ&hl=en|Google Scholar]] \\ [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/phtrinh/|LinkedIn profile]] \\ [[https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/philippe-trinh|University of Bath profile]] \\ [[https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=147620|Math Genealogy]] //To find your way around, click the navigation element on the left.// /*{{ :news:trinhgroupsummer2021a.jpg?500 |}}*/ /* ===== Student talks (December 2021) ===== For students and others who would like to learn a bit more about the research going on in our group, I have started collecting video presentations. A few are now linked on the [[research|Research]] page. ===== Group report (October 2021) ===== //As we enter the start of the 2021-22 academic term, it is time to bring our summer to a close, to celebrate the various comings and goings, and to look forwards to all sorts of new things...// {{ :news:trinhgroupsummer2021a.jpg?500 |}} > [[news_2021-10-04|Group report (October 2021)]] */ /* [[https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/philippe-trinh|University of Bath profile]] \\ [[:collaborators|Collaborators and students]] \\ {{:trinh_cv.pdf|+ Curriculum Vitae (2016)}} \\ {{:trinh_shortcv.pdf|+ Short Curriculum Vitae (2015)}} */ /* * If you're looking for current course scheduling, then the [[:teaching|teaching overview here]] might be useful. * If you're looking for course notes, then please go [[http://www.theshapeofmath.com/|here instead]]. * You might also be interested in learning a bit about [[:research|what I do]] and the [[:collaborators|wonderful people]] I get to work with. */ /* ==== Edit in progress ==== It's been a while since I edited this page...edits in progress (Mar 2019) \\ \\ {{ :start:beach.jpg?700 |}} */