====== Running on nimbus ====== ===== General links ===== * **Introduction class:** https://research-software-skills-bath.github.io/intro_nimbus_hpc/00_schedule.html ===== Launching an interactive node for Matlab ===== Here is the command that allows you to run an interactive Matlab sesson salloc --account=EB-MA3194M-0XX --partition=spot-fsv2-1 --qos=spot-fsv2-1 --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=23:00:00 This launches an interactive node on the instance. Then you load in Matlab and run it: module purge module load matlab/2022b matlab -nodesktop -nosplash ===== Instructions on getting SSHFS on Windows ===== Download this one: https://github.com/winfsp/winfsp/releases/tag/v2.0 * then right click on This PC * map network drive * \\sshfs\xxxxx@nimbus.hpc.bath.ac.uk More info can be found here: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/sshfs