====== Accessing XDrive or OneDrive at Bath ====== Two ways. ssh username@linux.ac.uk then mountXDrive Alternatively (on Linux) - Ensure you are connected to the University VPN. - Open Files and select Other Locations from the list on the left. - Enter the server address smb://campus.bath.ac.uk/files of the network drive in text field in the bottom right. - Click Connect - Select Connect As: Registered User - Put in your University username and password and set the Domain field to CAMPUS. - Click Connect. - Now the X drive should appear in the sidebar of your Files window. - To avoid having to go through all of this every time, you can add a bookmark by right-clicking on the network drive and then Add bookmark. Similar on a Mac and can be done by adding network drive in Finder. ==== OneDrive on Linux ==== Limited success. Also try: https://research.reading.ac.uk/act/knowledgebase/rclone-sync/