====== Tools for bibliography management ====== bibiman: TUI for interacting with bibtex database https://codeberg.org/lukeflo/bibiman pdf2bib: extract bibtex direct from PDF https://github.com/MicheleCotrufo/pdf2bib bibmanager: bibtex manager; good for cleaning up: https://github.com/pcubillos/bibmanager papis uses yaml https://github.com/papis/papis/?tab=readme-ov-file papis neovim: https://github.com/jghauser/papis.nvim Instructions on using papis with zotero: https://nicolasshu.com/zotero_and_papis.html Instructions on getting started with Zotero: https://nicolasshu.com/zotero_setup.html ====== Zotero ====== Current approach uses Zotero v7 with zotmoov and the rename template: {{ authors name="family-given" initialize="given" initialize-with="" join="_" suffix="_" case="hyphen" }}{{ year suffix="-" }}{{ title truncate="100" case="hyphen" }}